How to take care of Pregnancy during Covid-19
How to take care of Pregnancy during Covid-19

How to take care of Pregnancy during Covid 19 – Risk Factors, Care & Precautions

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2020 has seen an unprecedented change in our lives. We have learnt a lot about the Coronavirus and the ways to prevent and control this pandemic and have emerged successful as a human race.

Based on continuing medical research, some facts have come to light about Coronavirus and pregnancy

Pregnant women who are

  • Overweight or obese
  • Age > 35
  • Have diabetes
  • Have hypertension or High BP

Have a higher chance of getting more severe illness if they catch Coronavirus infection.

If a pregnant woman catches COVID, she is more likely to be admitted in the ICU than the general population.

Pregnant women are considered to have lower immunity and thus are considered the vulnerable group generally, so are advised to be more careful with precautions and general measures like 

  • staying home, social distancing, 
  • Frequent hand washing with alcohol based hand rub or soap and water
  • Practicing respiratory hygiene, covering your mouth with your bent elbow if coughing or sneezing 

But they should continue their antenatal visits and should ensure a healthy diet, exercise and stress free lifestyle.

It is still unknown if a pregnant lady can transmit the virus to her fetus during pregnancy or during breastfeeding.Covid virus has not shown to increase the risk of miscarriage, or of any anomaly in the fetus if the mother gets the infection during pregnancy.Studies did show an increase in the chances of preterm labour.

Pregnant women with COVID can still try for a normal delivery. Cesarean section is usually done only if medically justified.

The treatment of COVID in pregnancy is mainly supportive, and is similar to the treatment otherwise. Some antibiotics shown not to be safe in pregnancy should be avoided. Pregnant women need thromboprophylaxis, or medicines that help in prevention of blood clotting in pregnancy.

A pregnant woman who has covid during the time of delivery can choose to breastfeed or room in with her baby after a discussion with her gynecologist and pediatrician according to WHO. A good option is to express the breast milk and a COVID negative family member can provide it to the baby. Or feeding with the mask for 15-20 minutes can also be done.


COVID vaccine is currently not recommended in pregnancy and breastfeeding mothers in India. This is because the vaccine has not yet been tested in pregnant women in India.

However internationally, the vaccines are being offered to pregnant women considered as high risk after a discussion with their gynecologist.

The vaccines are not Live vaccines, they are either component vaccines or made with the dead virus, so theoretically they can’t harm or cause covid infection in the individual vaccinated.The precaution for pregnant women is mainly because of the lack of trials yet. Eventually the guidance may change with time, as we get better data on its safety.

Planning Pregnancy

Women planning pregnancy should have a discussion with their gynecologist about the risks and consequences. They may have to delay planning, if they’ve taken the vaccine.

Otherwise, in 2021, hopefully with the decline of the pandemic, it should be safe to plan pregnancy.

Dr Astha Dayal

Dr. Astha Dayal’s expertise lies in the medical and surgical management of women’s health problems, managing high-risk pregnancies, infertility, PCOD, advanced laparoscopy, and hysteroscopy, urogynecology, and reproductive endocrinology.

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