What is a prepregnancy care checkup

Pregnancy Care & Your Well-Being: A Guide to Preparing for a Healthy Pregnancy

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What is a prepregnancy care checkup?

A prepregnancy care checkup is a way to make sure you are healthy enough for pregnancy and there are no complications with your health.

This article will guide you through what a prepregnancy care checkup entails and how it can be beneficial for your future pregnancy.

It will also give you information about what to expect during the prepregnancy care checkup, who benefits from a prepregnancy care checkup, how frequently they’re recommended, and why this type of health assessment is beneficial for any individual who is trying to conceive.

What happens during a pre-pregnancy care checkup?

During the prepregnancy care checkup, we at our center, will discuss everything that you need to know before starting a pregnancy. Prepregnancy care can also be called preconception care or family planning.

You will get advice on how to take better care of yourself before and during pregnancy, what lifestyle changes are good for you and your baby, as well as important things like travel safety. It is also a great time for planning your birth experience.

The doctor can answer any questions that you have about family planning (birth control) or STIs (sexually transmitted infections).

A pre-pregnancy care visit is your first meeting with a doctor. This will be a time for you to discuss your plans for pregnancy and for them to provide any advice.

During this visit, we will ask about:

– Your menstrual history and reproductive health;

– Pregnancy history;

– Allergies, medications, and illnesses that you or other family members have had recently.

– Diet and exercise habits;

– Sexual history (if applicable);

– What contraception you are using (if applicable)

How can I try to be healthier before pregnancy?

In this section, we will talk about the importance of healthy habits before pregnancy.

One of the best ways to try to be healthier before pregnancy is by getting enough sleep. In today’s world, it is a challenge to get enough sleep because of

  • how much work we have?
  • how online content is addictive?
  • and how much stress we have?

Keeping some sort of fitness & healthy routine in place will also help you be healthier before pregnancy, such as

  • Eating a healthy diet
  • Taking a prenatal vitamin
  • Doing regular exercise
  • Maintaining a healthy weight
  • Stopping unhealthy habits, like (tobacco, alcohol, marijuana, illegal drugs, and prescription drugs taken for a nonmedical reason)
  • Keeping your environment safe & healthy
  • Trying to maintain happy environment

We all want to be healthy before pregnancy, and luckily there are some ways we can do this. Getting enough sleep, eating a variety of healthy foods and exercising regularly are a few ways to make sure you are at your best before pregnancy.

Dr Astha Dayal

Dr. Astha Dayal’s expertise lies in the medical and surgical management of women’s health problems, managing high-risk pregnancies, infertility, PCOD, advanced laparoscopy, and hysteroscopy, urogynecology, and reproductive endocrinology.

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